The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is a federally funded educational program for students whose parents move across school district boundaries seeking temporary or seasonal work in agriculture and fishing. Eligibility must be verified prior to a child’s participation in the program. The Migrant Education Program grew out of Title I of Public Law 89-10, passed in 1965, to assist all disadvantaged children. Since migrant children have specific needs, they require special help and services. Thus, the Migrant Education Program was established separately by an amendment to Title I in 1966. The Migrant Education Program ensures that migrant children fully benefit from the same free public education (FAPE) provided to all children and that the unmet education-related needs resulting from their migrant lifestyle are met. The MEP is also a national program that annually provides supplemental education and other supportive services to eligible migrant children across the country. These services help the students to overcome any educational disruptions which result from repeated moves. Students who are identified as MEP eligible receive Migrant Education Program Instructional and Support Services.