1. Go to https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/students
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on the Launchpad icon.
3. Click Log in with Active Directory.
4. Type in your username and password in the Authentication Required box. Then, click the OK button.
This is the same username and password that you use on school computers and Digital Dreamers 1 to 1 Devices. If you need further assistance, see your teacher for your username and password.
5. Locate and click on the VERGE icon located under the DCSD Digital Learning Tools in Launchpad.
6. If requested, click Log in with DeKalb County School District account.
7. You should now see the VERGE Home Screen.
8. Click on Courses and then click on the desired course.
There is a scroll bar to use if you do not see your course. For elementary and middle schools, A is the fall semester and B is for spring semester courses. High School students should check with their teacher on which course to select.
9. Once the student clicks on the course, they will see the Overview page.
10. Click on Resources. Then, click on the Virtual Digital Learning folder on the left or in the center.
11. Click on the Virtual Learning Activity 1 or 2 page.
All pages will have Standards, Learning Targets, and Learning Activities. Here is an example:
12. Follow the directions on the Virtual Learning Page. If you have further questions, please see your teacher.